How to Remove ripoff report from Google Search Engine Permanently?

Before you think of Ripoff Report Removal from Google, let’s first understand what is Ripoff report and how does it work on Google Searches.
What is Ripoff Report?
Launched in 1998, is a privately owned consumer complaint forum that has attracted a lot of controversy because of the fact that they have no system to check the authentication of the consumer complaint. The website accepts complaints just by validating an email ID. If a customer is angry with you or the competitor wants to downgrade your name in the market, it is considered one of the best ways to hurt your business. The website has raised so many eyebrows that it is even banned in European Union. 
The Google – Ripoff connection
Because of a large number of business reviews, Google’s search engine includes its results in the branded search results. This can become a horrifying experience if someone starts to post negative reviews about your business. 
How and why is this website allowed?
The website has legal immunity under the Communications Decency Act which saves them from any third-party content posted on their website. The company claims that they cannot edit the content in any way. However, they also claim that they can refuse to Remove RipoffReport if requested by the business owner, as they own the content. In simple words, they are enjoying benefits from all corners. 

The best way to remove Ripoff Report from Google:
If you want to remove the report, it is next to impossible to do so but you can bury the report with the help of a few methods. You can use response, lawsuits and using SEO tactics to deal with such reports. Let’s discuss some of the ways to remove such reports. 

1. Accept the mistake
The first thing business owners generally do after looking at a ripoff report is to freak out and take some drastic step which can further downgrade the reputation. First of all stay calm and see if you are at the fault. If you are, make sure to accept the mistake and make the required changes in your way of doing business. Once the amendments are done, ask the reviewer to remove the complaint. Now you need to understand the reviewer cannot edit the complaint or help in Permanent Ripoff Report Removal. He can only add an update to the complaint which is commonly known as the follow-up report. However, it will increase the risk of getting a higher ranking in Google. Also, the customer can put you again in the negative light again for your attempts to edit or remove the review. 

2. Respond
One of the ways to counter the report is by responding to the complaint and putting up your side of the story. While doing that you can also submit a dispute over the complaint. There are a few important points that you should take care of while replying the customer. First of all, make sure to read and re-read the reply before posting. Do not include your business name in the reply as it can fuel up the search ranking for the complaint. Do not use any abusive language which can further anger the customer and make sure to keep it short and crisp. Unfortunately, most of the readers do not check the reply of the business owner on complaints so keep this in mind as well. 
3. The legal way
There is a program Ripoff Report “Corporate Advocacy Program” (CAP) which can help you in collecting evidence against the poster and showing that claim is wrong. You can take a further step and sue the original poster (OP) for defamation. The legal process is long and hectic and there is no time bound result assurance.
4. SEO to the rescue
This is the best way for Ripoff Report Removal from Google search results.You can use SEO tactics to use Google in your favour. Submit regular blog posts, social media posts and do some guest posts on other blogs as well with the keywords that are being used to reach to ripoff report results. This will help in keeping positive posts about your business on the top burying the ripoff report. (Remove ripoff report from Google Search Engine Permanently)
Ripoff reports are nasty and they can severely harm your business. These reports are often used by competitors as well to downgrade the market for the competition. It is better to keep the business on the line of good ethics and if you see a report against you, act swiftly and wisely to bury it as soon as possible. 

For more information regarding Ripoff Report Removal on GoogleCall 888-606-1808 (US, Canada Tollfree) or email



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